How To Improve Reading Speed And Comprehension

by instep
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How To Speed Read: 2x Faster With NO LOSS In Comprehension
This video provides real, actionable speed reading techniques to increase your reading speed double or triple WITHOUT sacrificing retention or comprehension.
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Speed reading skills are essential to using your time on earth better. In this video, I provide No BS advice on techniques you can use and still comprehend 100% of what you are reading.
Bonus tip: avoid sounding out the words in your head. It slows you down. It is called subvocalization.
Most people fear loss of comprehension or retention but these techniques, if not used to an extreme, should improve your speed with little loss of comprehending. If you feel you get to the point where the technique is not improving your reading speed and what you remember, dial it down and don’t use them to an extreme. These techniques work if you use them slightly and slowly build your reading speed.
Don’t forget, you need to know how to read better as well. This means that for certain genre of books like non-fiction it is best to slow down, re-read things, and let things settle so you can think them through.

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