Effective Study Tips For University Students

by instep
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How to study effectively
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Some observations based on my experiences of studying. Particularly in my most recent year at Oxford I came up with a framework for effective study that I believe can be applied to most subjects. Of course I only have experience applying this system to physics so please don’t blame me if it doesn’t work out for you!

The rules:
1. Realise that learning is individual
2. Manage your time
3. Manage your notes
4. Take care of yourself
5. Work your socks off

If a lot of what I say sounds blindingly obvious then that’s probably because it is. If I also sound a bit full of myself then that’s completely accidental.

As will probably become evident in the video I am not an educational professional, just some guy that has had some success in his studies in the past and wants to save other people some time and effort studying inefficiently. Please don’t take what I say as gospel, ultimately the whole point of half the video is to make your studying individual so you need to experiment and work our your optimum configuration yourself. Consider my advice to be like the pirate’s code – more like ‘guidelines’.

/*—– Some links —–*/

My college – www.spc.ox.ac.uk
My department – www2.physics.ox.ac.uk
My college’s youtube channel – www.youtube.com/spcoxford

A Bunny
( – -)
((‘) (‘)

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